The following security is added to the firms's restricted list. Accordingly, any transaction (either buy or sell of the security in any ACCOUNT* is strictly PROHIBITED until further notice).


Environmental Packaging Technologies Holdings, Inc. - EPTI  - No trading allowed in this security

*For the purpose of this notice, ACCOUNT means:

  • Associated person's personal accounts
  • Any accounts over which the associated person has financial interest, therefore subject to FINRA Rule 3050
  • Any acounts over which the associated person has discretionary authority
  • Customer's accounts

Save the date!

2019 National Education Conference June 2nd - June 5th

Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort

136 E Thomas Pl
Beaver Creek, CO 81620

It's coming sooner than you think, download registration form below, and click on "Things To Do" link while you're there.